April 2020 Report

POA Governance Updates Jan- Apr 2020


Several validators were voted out of the set by the current validators. Three validators on POA Core (1 at their own request) and 4 on Sokol (2 at their own request). This reflects the current validator's desires to maintain active governance and secure the consensus process. The validators removed were falling behind on node updates, endangering the stability of the system. The current validator set along with Notary Licensure details can be viewed here (select POA Network in Network Dropdown): https://validators.poa.network/poa-dapps-validators

A bug was discovered in the RewardByBlock contract related to validator removal. If a validator being removed was the same validator who sealed the block with the removal finalization, the network could be critically impacted. Developers pushed a fix and the validators voted overwhelmingly to implement it before finalizing the removal of several validators. This process was a great example of validator coordination to ensure a successful outcome.

A measure to support POA Mania with a Block Reward Adjustment was proposed on the Sokol network. This proposal would programatically distribute the funding for the savings lottery, further decentralizing the protocol. The ballot failed to pass, receiving 7 of the required 8 votes. However, changes to the validator set meant that the voting threshold was lowered (changed from 8 to 7 required votes) and the measure was proposed again. It is currently in process; we will report the results here when the ballot is finalized.

Additional voting information available at: https://voting.poa.network/poa-dapps-voting

Ballot types and properties are explained here.

Governance Ballot Details (POA Core): Jan - April 2020

Proposal Date: March 27, 2020

  • Type: Remove Validator

  • Keys Ballot ID: 54

  • Description: "This ballot is to remove Core Validator John D. Storey from consensus by his request."

  • Result: Yes: 8, No: 0. John Storey removed from set.

Proposal Date: April 07, 2020

  • Type: Remove Validator

  • Keys Ballot ID: 55

  • Description: "Remove Irvin as irresponsible validator. We need active and on-time folks on POA Core"

  • Result: Yes: 7, No: 4. Irvin Cardenas removed from set.

Proposal Date: April 07, 2020

  • Type: Remove Validator

  • Keys Ballot ID: 56

  • Description: "This is a proposal to remove Kristina Yevseyeva from the consensus for falling behind on the validator's responsibilities."

  • Result: Yes: 10, No: 0. Kristina Yevseyeva removed from set.

Proposal Date: April 08, 2020

Governance Ballot Details (POA Sokol): Jan - April 2020

Proposal Date: January 6, 2020

  • Type: Remove Validator

  • Keys Ballot ID: 86

  • Description: "Established validators that have been running a node for more than a year can be assumed to be established, therefore no longer need to run Sokol testnet. Please vote Yes to remove my key from Sokol testnet."

  • Result: Yes: 6 No: 0. Removed ...

Proposal Date: March 28, 2020

  • Type: Remove Validator

  • Keys Ballot ID: 87

  • Description: "This ballot is to remove Core Validator John D. Storey from consensus by his request."

  • Result: Yes: 5, No: 0.

Proposal Date: March 30, 2020

Proposal Date: April 7, 2020

  • Type: Remove Validator

  • Keys Ballot ID: 88

  • Description: "This is a proposal to remove Kristina Yevseyeva from the consensus for falling behind on the validator's responsibilities."

  • Result: Yes: 8 No: 0 Kristina Yevseyeva removed from set.

Proposal Date: April 7, 2020

  • Type: Remove Validator

  • Keys Ballot ID: 89

  • Description: "This is a proposal to remove Irvin Cardenas from the consensus for falling behind on the validator's responsibilities."

  • Result: Yes: 5, No: 4. Irvin Cardenas removed from set.

Proposal Date: April 08, 2020

Proposal Date: April 12, 2020

Last updated