
  • git

  • python & pip:

    • python 2 version >= 2.6.5 or python 3 version >= 3.3

  • ansible

  • SSH keys

  • aws cli

1. git

  1. check that you have git installed

    git --version

    if not - install it following instructions here

2. python & pip

  1. check that you have python 2 version >= 2.6.5 or python 3 version >= 3.3 installed

    python --version

    if not - install it choosing apropriate binary from here

  2. check if you have pip python package manager install

    pip --version

    if not - install it following instructions from here. Basically, you need to download this script and save it on your computer then run


3. ansible

  1. follow this guide to install ansible. For example, you can use pip to do it:

    sudo pip install ansible
  2. use pip to install the following packages:

    sudo pip install boto
    sudo pip install boto3

4. SSH keys

  1. check if you already have a keypair:

ls -la ~/.ssh

If you already have key pair, you can skip this section.

2. generate ssh key-pair

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

insert your email address there and a strong password. By default, keys will be saved to ~/.ssh/ and named id_rsa with your public key being ~/.ssh/

5. aws cli

  1. check if you have aws cli installed

    aws --version

    if not - install it following these instructions. The simplest way is to use pip:

    pip install awscli --upgrade --user

    Mac systems with homebrew installed:

    brew install awscli

Proceed to Configure AWS

Last updated

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