
Create instance

  1. with all options configured, you first need to create an instance: (you should still be in: ~/deployment-playbooks)

    ansible-playbook bootnode.yml

    this script will ask you for your SSH key passphrase unless you didn't set a passphrase or you entered it recently.

  2. after this process is complete, examine script's output and write down IP (e.g. address and AWS InstanceID (e.g. i-0123456789abcdef0) for later use. If you chose to use elastic IP, write down node's final IP address.

  3. create file hosts with the server's ip address (e.g.

  4. run ansible playbook

    ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
  5. open NETSTATS_SERVER url in the browser and check that the node named NODE_FULLNAME appeared in the list.

  6. login to the node and get enode from parity logs:

    ssh root@
    grep enode /home/bootnode/logs/parity.log

    copy enode uri and send it to Master of Ceremony. If this line is not found, restart parity

    systemctl restart poa-parity

    and try again. If enode uri is still not found, use the commands below to restart all services.

if after parity restart you notice that on NETSTATS_SERVER url your node starts to fall behind other nodes (block number is less than on other nodes), try to restart statistics service (assuming you are connected as root):

su bootnode
pm2 restart all

after that refresh NETSTATS_SERVER url and check again your node's block number. If your node is still not active or missing enode, log in to root account and reboot the OS.

shutdown -r now

Last updated

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