April 2020 Report
POA Governance Updates Jan- Apr 2020
Additional voting information available at: https://voting.poa.network/poa-dapps-voting
Ballot types and properties are explained here.
Governance Ballot Details (POA Core): Jan - April 2020
Proposal Date: March 27, 2020
Type: Remove Validator
Keys Ballot ID: 54
Description: "This ballot is to remove Core Validator John D. Storey from consensus by his request."
Result: Yes: 8, No: 0. John Storey removed from set.
Proposal Date: April 07, 2020
Type: Remove Validator
Keys Ballot ID: 55
Description: "Remove Irvin as irresponsible validator. We need active and on-time folks on POA Core"
Result: Yes: 7, No: 4. Irvin Cardenas removed from set.
Proposal Date: April 07, 2020
Type: Remove Validator
Keys Ballot ID: 56
Description: "This is a proposal to remove Kristina Yevseyeva from the consensus for falling behind on the validator's responsibilities."
Result: Yes: 10, No: 0. Kristina Yevseyeva removed from set.
Proposal Date: April 08, 2020
Type: Update RewardByBlock Contract
Proxy Ballot ID: 3
Description: "Critical bug in Core related to ballot’s finalization has been discovered. Discussion: https://forum.poa.network/t/critical-bug-in-core-sokol-related-to-ballots-finalization/3357"
Result: Yes: 13, No: 0. Contract Updated
Governance Ballot Details (POA Sokol): Jan - April 2020
Proposal Date: January 6, 2020
Type: Remove Validator
Keys Ballot ID: 86
Description: "Established validators that have been running a node for more than a year can be assumed to be established, therefore no longer need to run Sokol testnet. Please vote Yes to remove my key from Sokol testnet."
Result: Yes: 6 No: 0. Removed ...
Proposal Date: March 28, 2020
Type: Remove Validator
Keys Ballot ID: 87
Description: "This ballot is to remove Core Validator John D. Storey from consensus by his request."
Result: Yes: 5, No: 0.
Proposal Date: March 30, 2020
Type: Update RewardByBlock Contract
Proxy Ballot ID: 3
Description: "This is a proposal to support POA Mania with a Block Reward Adjustment. Discussion: https://forum.poa.network/t/proposal-to-support-poa-mania-with-a-block-reward-adjustment/3297"
Result: Yes: 7, No: 0. Threshold of 8 votes not met, proposal not passed.
Proposal Date: April 7, 2020
Type: Remove Validator
Keys Ballot ID: 88
Description: "This is a proposal to remove Kristina Yevseyeva from the consensus for falling behind on the validator's responsibilities."
Result: Yes: 8 No: 0 Kristina Yevseyeva removed from set.
Proposal Date: April 7, 2020
Type: Remove Validator
Keys Ballot ID: 89
Description: "This is a proposal to remove Irvin Cardenas from the consensus for falling behind on the validator's responsibilities."
Result: Yes: 5, No: 4. Irvin Cardenas removed from set.
Proposal Date: April 08, 2020
Type: Update RewardByBlock Contract
Proxy Ballot ID: 4
Description: "Critical bug in Core related to ballot’s finalization has been discovered. Discussion: https://forum.poa.network/t/critical-bug-in-core-sokol-related-to-ballots-finalization/3357"
Result: Yes: 11, No: 0. Contract Updated
Proposal Date: April 12, 2020
Type: Update RewardByBlock Contract
Proxy Ballot ID: 5
Description: "This is a proposal to support POA Mania with a Block Reward Adjustment. Discussion: https://forum.poa.network/t/proposal-to-support-poa-mania-with-a-block-reward-adjustment/3297"
Result: Yes: 6, No: 0. TBD - vote ongoing until 4/16. Requires a 7 vote threshold.
Last updated