Round Details
POA Mania user stats by round
Useful stats are available within the application for each round of POA Mania. These include:
A participant list of unique wallet addresses, ordered by total deposit amount in the round.
First, Second and Third place winners, as well as the Round Closer for the round.
If a wallet is connected and a deposit from that address was active during a round, the address is highlighted within the round participant list.
Data is populated by querying the POA Mania subgraph on The Graph platform. The DApp pulls data for the winners tab as well as the user list details for each round.
To view details for any round, click See Details button next to a round in the Winners tab.
Detailed stats are displayed per round, including deposit amounts, winners and the amount of POA won for for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
A participant's address is highlighted when a wallet is connected.
Last updated